Nuke-Simek: The Cranboyz Pointman!

Monday, June 12, 2023

Yo Joe June, Day 13: Mercer!

Today's segment of Yo Joe June is another pick-up from Joe Fest 2023! Which, if you're any kind of Joe fan (And I'm guessing you are if you're reading this) you really need to treat yourself to a Joe Fest! It has just about everything and is just loads of fun!

Yo Joe June, Day 13, Mercer by Robert Atkins! 

Robert's known for his extensive work on the GI Joe comics, games and I'm not sure what else but if it's a GI Joe product that's come out in the last 15 years, Robert probably drew it! Robert has actually done lots of other comic books, game and toy work but GI Joe fans knew him first! 

I've known Robert for some time and have a few pieces by him but I don't get to see him often and I definitely don't get to pick up as much art from him! That being the case, I wanted to make sure I picked a good character that really worked. Robert 's pretty well known for his detailed uniforms and gear and he's not afraid to draw some pouches and straps, either. 

Enter, Mercer, my favorite of Sgt Slaughter's Renegades! Mercer's an ex-Cobra Viper who moved over to GI Joe to fight Cobra! How cool is that?? He appeared in GI Joe the Movie from 1987 and couldn't have seemed any tougher! I'm not sure that he ever showed up in the Marvel Comics run but I think as a kid I somehow had his figure but not the other two Renegades (Which is weird because they came together in a 3 pack).

So, I like Mercer. He's a cool tough-guy and I had Robert draw him. Which worked out great because now we all get to enjoy this sweet pin-up!

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